PRESENT: Lord Mayor Betty Disero, Councillors: Erwin Wiens (8:47 p.m.), Stuart McCormack (8:45 p.m.), Wendy Cheropita, Gary Burroughs, Al Bisback, Norm Arsenault, Clare Cameron, John Wiens
STAFF: Sheldon Randall Chief Administrative Officer (I)
Kyle Freeborn Director, Corporate Services
Craig Larmour Director, Community & Development Services
Rick Wilson Manager, Planner
Nick Ruller Fire Chief
Jay Plato Deputy Fire Chief - Community Risk Reduction
Darren Trostenko Deputy Fire Cheif - Operations
Kevin Turcotte Director, Operations (A)
Rene Landry Drainage Support Technician
Ashlea Carter Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment
Colleen Hutt Deputy Clerk
OTHERS: Gary Zalepa Regional Councillor
MEDIA: Dariya Baiguzhiyeva The Lake Report
Penny Coles The NOTL Local
Lord Mayor Betty Disero called the meeting to order 6:10 p.m.
Councillor Gary Burroughs opened the meeting with the focus statement.
Council, staff and all those present sang O'Canada.
The following item(s) were added to the agenda:
1. Councillor Gary Burroughs - Notice of Motion - Upper Canada Lodge
2. Lord Mayor Betty Disero - New Business
Moved by Councillor John Wiens, seconded by Councillor Erwin Wiens that the agenda be adopted as amended.
Councillor Erwin Wiens declared a conflict of interest with Report CDS-20-004 - 1504 Line 6 Road - application for zoning by-law amendment as he lives within close proximity to the property.
- Committee of the Whole - Planning meeting will be held on Monday, March 9, 2020, at 6:00 p.m.
- Committee of the Whole - General meeting will be held on Monday, March 23, 2020.
- Council Meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 30, 2020, at 6:00 p.m.
(1) Council Meeting Minutes dated January 20, 2020
-resolution #1 APPROVED.
Non-Agenda Delegation
(1) John Hindle - Pickle Ball Club Update
John Hindle, referred to an electronic presentation in regard to the Pickle Ball Club. Mr. Hindle spoke to the success and growth of the club. Mr. Hindle further spoke to finances, Niagara-on-the-Lake becoming a destination for the sport, partners and sponsorships, and future club plans. Mr. Hindle's request to Council was to make the court secure as the nets and courts are being damaged.
(2) John Kinney - Whirlpool Jet Boats
Dock Area Flooding/ Contract Issues
John Kinney was present to speak to issues with the flooding in the dock area and the contract he has with the Town. Mr. Kinney referenced his business history in the Dock Area, success of the public-private partnership, number of employees and the level of employment. He further discussed the potential of more water problems in the Dock Area, nature of the lease and the income generated for the Town. Mr. Kinney answered questions of Council.
(3) Steve Watson - Lament Drain Design
Steve Watson provided Council with aerial phots and watershed plans of the Lament Drain. Mr. Watson outlined the Lament Drain design and the effect on surrounding properties. He stated the design of the drain does not protect the existing wood lot. Mr. Watson further spoke to issues with overflow drainage from other properties and the General Brock Parkway. Mr. Watson answered questions of Council
Lord Mayor Betty Disero thanked the delegations for coming forward.
Agenda Delegation
(1) Hazel Norris & Molly Shara
Climate Emergency in Niagara-on-the-Lake
Hazel Norris and Molly Shara spoke to a side presentation in regard to "Our Climate Crisis". Both discussed the need for a climate emergency declaration along with limited public transportation that is available in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Also discussed was the impact of single use plastics.
Lord Mayor Betty Disero thanked Ms. Norris and Ms. Shara for their presentation.
(2) Application for Cancellation, Reduction or Refund of Taxes under Section 357 of the Municipal Act, 2001
There was no one in attendance to speak to the Section 357 application;
-resolution #2, APPROVED.
(3) K-Smart Associates Limited - Meeting to Consider Engineer's Report for the Wall Drain
John Kuntze, P.Eng., K-Smart Associates Limited Drainage Engineer and Rene Landry, Drainage Support Technician were in attendance to speak to the Wall Drain Engineering Report (By-law 5207-20).
John Kuntze provided background information and an overview of the proposed drainage works. Rene Landry clarified the Court of Revision process for landowners. The presenters answered questions of Council
Rob Osti, west side of the Wall Drain - outlined drainage on his property and concerns with changes in the area.
Stan Wall, issued the petition, outlined neighbouring concerns with drainage in the area being out-of-date. Mr. Wall stated he had to go through a lot grading plan when the new dwelling was constructed. Discussed location and out drainage of sump pump.
Lord Mayor Betty Disero asked Mr. Wall if he wished to withdraw his name to the petition. Mr. Wall stated no. No one else wished to add their name to the petition.
Lord Mayor Betty Disero declared the discussion on the Wall Drain closed.
(1) Hazel Norris & Molly Shara
Climate Emergency in Niagara-on-the-Lake
The Deputy Clerk read the Notice of Motion - Environmental Advisory Committee.
Council discussed the proposed motion and requested that the motion be voted on in 2 parts, the first in regard to the Committee and second in regard to the mandate of the Committee.
Councillor Gary Burroughs requested to be appointed to the Committee and Councillor Norm Arsenault requested the membership consist of up to seven (7) citizens. The Terms of Reference will be brought forward to a later meeting for approval.
A polled vote was called by Councillor Norm Arsenault.
Norm Arsenault | X | |
Allan Bisback | X | |
Gary Burroughs | X | |
Clare Cameron | | X |
Wendy Cheropita | | X |
Stuart McCormack | | X |
Erwin Wiens | | X |
John Wiens | X | |
Lord Mayor Betty Disero | X | |
TOTALS | 5 | 4 |
(2) John Hindle - Pickle Ball Club Update
Moved by Councillor Al Bisback, seconded by Councillor Wendy Cheropita that staff be directed to review the presentation and recommendations from John Hindle and report back on the feasibility of installed controlled access to the Pickle Ball courts.
(3) John Kinney - Whirlpool Jet Boats
Dock Area Flooding/ Contract Issues
Moved by Councillor Stuart McCormack, seconded by Councillor Erwin Wiens that Council move this item to Closed Session on March 9, 2020 to discuss matters regarding the lease (Melville Dock).
(4) Steve Watson - Lament Drain Design
No discussion at this time.
(5) K. Smart Engineering - Wall Drain
Report OPS-20-008 - Wall Drain 2019 Engineering Report – Meeting to Consider was lifted and voted on separately and is listed under (2) Committee of the Whole - General Meeting Minutes - February 10, 2020.
(1) Committee of the Whole - Planning Meeting Minutes, February 3, 2020
Councillor Erwin Wiens previously declared a conflict of interest with Report CDS-20-004 - 1504 Line 6 Road - application for zoning by-law amendment as he lives within close proximity to the property.
The following report was lifted for discussion and voted on separately Report CDS-20-004 - 1504 Line 6 Road - Application for Zoning By-law Amendment. Councillor Erwin Wiens did not take part in any discussion or vote on this matter.
The balance of the February 3, 2020 Committee of the Whole - Planning minutes were voted on and approved.
(2) Committee of the Whole - General Meeting Minutes, February 10, 2020
The following report was lifted for discussion and voted on separately
under Response to Delegations from Council:
Moved by Councillor Al Bisback, seconded by Councillor John Wiens that the recommendations contained in Report OPS-20-008 - Wall Drain 2019 Engineering Report - Meeting to Consider be approved.
The following report was lifted for discussion and voted on separately Report OPS-20-003 - Line 3 Road Parking Restrictions. Council discussed deferring this report until March 23, 2020.
Moved by Councillor Wendy Cheropita, seconded by Councillor Clare Cameron that Report OPS-20-003 - Line 3 Road Parking Restrictions be deferred until March 23, 2020.
Therefore, the motion to defer Report OPS-20-003 was voted on and approved.
The balance of February 10, 2020 Committee of the Whole - General Minutes were voted on and approved.
5207-20- (FOR TWO READINGS ONLY) A by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake, in the Regional Municipality of Niagara, to be known as the Wall Drain.
By-law 5207-20 was lifted and voted on separately for two readings and approved.
Councillor Erwin Wiens previously declared a conflict of interest with Report CDS-20-004 - 1504 Line 6 Road - application for zoning by-law amendment as he lives within close proximity to the property.
By-law 500XL-20 was lifted and voted on separately. Councillor Erwin Wiens did not take part in any discussion or vote on this matter
500XL-20- A by-law pursuant to section 34 of the Ontario Planning Act to amend By-law 500A-74, as amended, entitled a by-law to regulate the use of land and the character, location and use of buildings and structures thereon (1504 Line 6 Road)
Moved by Councillor Al Bisback, seconded by Councillor Norm Arsenault that By-law No. 500XL-20 - 1504 Line 6 Road be adopted.
By-law 4308AB-20 was lifted for discussion and voted on separately. Council discussed deferring Sections 1 and 2 of the by-law for further information.
(this by-law was renumbered to 4308AC-20)
4308AB-20- A by-law to amend By-law 4308-09, as amended, being a by-law regulating traffic and parking on Town Roads; and to amend the following Schedules: "C" Parking Prohibited & "G" Parking Meter Zones.
Moved by Councillor Gary Burroughs, seconded by Councillor Wendy Cheropita that Section 1 and Section 2 of By-law 4308AB-20 be deferred for further discussion, and that Section 3 and Section 4 of the By-law No. 4308AB-20 be adopted as presented.
The balance of the By-laws were voted on and approved.
500XM-20- A by-law pursuant to section 34 of the Ontario Planning Act to amend By-law 500A-74, as amended, entitled a by-law to regulate the use of land and the character, location and use of buildings and structures thereon (411 Read Road)
5209-20- A by-law to authorize the Lord Mayor and Town Clerk to execute the Fire Training Centre Facility use agreement between The Corporation of the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake and The Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie
5210-20- A by-law to authorize the Lord Mayor and Town Clerk to execute the Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement between The Corporation of the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake and the Regional Municipality of Niagara
5211-20- A by-law to appoint Jay Plato Deputy Fire Chief - Community Risk Reduction - and Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for The Corporation of the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake and rescind By-law 4951-17
5212-20- A by-law to appoint Darren Trostenko Deputy Fire Chief - Operations- and Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for The Corporation of the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake
5213-20- A by-law to authorize the Lord Mayor and Town Clerk to sign any and all necessary documents pertaining to the Grant Agreement between The Corporation of the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake and Employment and Social Development Canada (Floor Curling Program)
Clerk to read resolution
1. The following resolution(s) be adopted:
(a) Environment Advisory Committee
This resolution was voted on and passed under the section: Response to Delegations.
(b) St. Davids Pool Fundraising Committee
Two additional names were added to the Committee Appointments: Taren Trinsdale and Jill Barber.
Moved by Councillor John Wiens, seconded by Councillor Erwin Wiens:
BE IT RESOLVED that the following members be appointed to the St. Davids Pool Fundraising Committee:
Paul Harber
Joe Typer
Susan Snider
Adriana Vizzari
Glenn Young
David K. Scott
Jill Barber
Councillor Gary Burroughs
Councilor John Wiens
-resolution #11, APPROVED, AS AMENDED.
(c) Upper Canada Lodge
Moved by Councillor Gary Burroughs, seconded by Council Wendy Cheropita
- The Region of Niagara currently has a lease with Parks Canada on the lands known as Upper Canada Lodge
- The Region intends to close Upper Canada Lodge in 2021, due to the building not meeting the new standards for retirement homes
- The Region maintains the building in excellent condition, and has in excess of 80 rooms
- The current lease requires that the building be removed at the end of the Lease
- That the Town meet with the Region, and Parks Canada, to explore potential opportunities for the Town, for use(s) of the facility, after the closure of Upper Canada Lodge, for the benefits of our residents. And, that staff report back to Council by the fall of 2020.
-resolution #12, APPROVED.
2. Information Package(s)
February 13, 2020
Item No. 7 - LPAT Decision - 14555 Niagara River Parkway
Item No. 8 - LPAT Withdrawal Letter - 493-507 Line 2 Road
February 20, 2020
Item No. 9 - Ltr to Niagara Health System - Hepatitis C Care Clinic
Moved by Councillor Gary Burroughs, seconded by Councillor Wendy Cheropita that the request for a July 28th World Hepatitis Day in Niagara-on-the-Lake proclamation be granted.
The balance of the Information Packages were voted on and approved.
-resolution #13, APPROVED, AS AMENDED.
As per the Town's Procedural By-law, "A notice of motion may be introduced by any Member at a regular Meeting of Council or Committee of the Whole for consideration at the next or a subsequent regular meeting of Council, and the same shall then be included in the notice of the Meeting at which it is to be considered."
New Business may be introduced at a regular Meeting under adoption of the Agenda. Items of direction to staff must be in the form of a motion.
(1) Tree By-laws
Moved by Councillor Norm Arsenault, seconded by Councillor Al Bisback to request staff to report back on a new list of acceptable trees for both public and private properties.
There were no Lord Mayor reports, announcements or remarks at this meeting.
Councillor Al Bisback announced the Heritage Trail Fun Walk and encouraged Council and all to participate.
Clerk to read resolution for reading of by-law
5214-20- A by-law to confirm the proceedings at the Council Meeting of the Corporation of the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake on February 24, 2020
1. Moved by Councillor Norm Arsenault, seconded by Councillor Al Bisback that the minutes of the Council Meeting held January 20, 2020 be adopted.
2. Moved by Councillor Gary Burroughs, seconded by Councillor Norm Arsenault that application No. 2019-00009 for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes under Section 357 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be approved.
3. Moved by Councillor Norm Arsenault, seconded by Al Bisback:
WHEREAS in June of 2019, the Federal Government of Canada has declared a climate emergency;
AND WHEREAS cities and towns around the world have recognized that climate change is real and have declared a state of climate emergency;
AND WHEREAS Niagara-on-the-Lake has, in the past three years seen record breaking floods from unprecedented water levels, the highest on record since records began in 1918, causing extensive damage to the lower sections of Old town and erosion along the shores of Lake Ontario;
AND WHEREAS the Town’s Community Wellness Committee, have recommended, in their January 20th presentation to Council that an Environmental Advisory Committee be created;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council establish an Environmental Advisory Committee to consist of up to seven (7) citizens of Niagara-on-the-Lake, staff as required and Councillors Norm Arsenault and Gary Burroughs and advertise locally for volunteers for this Committee.
4. Moved by Councillor Norm Arsenault, seconded by Al Bisback:
THAT the Environment Advisory Committee be tasked with providing advice and guidance to Town Council with respect to environmental issues including conservation, green energy solutions, environmental sustainability, and environmental legislation and regulation;
AND FURTHER that the Committee be tasked with coming up with recommendations to make Niagara-on-the-Lake carbon neutral by embracing new technologies, replacing existing municipal fleets and transit with ZEVs or Zero Emission Vehicles where feasible, identifying areas where businesses and residents can come together to reduce their carbon footprints and any other ideas as the Committee deems appropriate.
AND FURTHER be it resolved that the Lord Mayor and Council of the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake hereby declare Niagara-on-the-Lake in a climate emergency and by doing so join a growing list of towns and cities in Canada (see below) (including 394 towns and cities in Quebec) and around the world (1288 as of the end of December, 2019).
The following towns and regions throughout Canada including the government of Canada are a sample of the hundreds of municipalities that declared a climate emergency:
Brampton ON City Council - June 5, 2019 Burlington ON City Council - April 23, 2019 Canadian House of Commons - June 17, 2019 Capital Regional District - Feb. 13, 2019
Regional District Central Kootenay - April 11, 2019
North Cowichan Municipal Council - July 17, 2019 District of North Vancouver Council - July 8, 2019 Oak Bay BC Municipal Council - April 8, 2019 Oakville ON Town Council - June 24, 2019
Ottawa ON City Council - April 24, 2019
Chatham-Kent ON Municipal Council - July 15, 2019
Port Moody BC City Council - June 11, 2019
Colwood BC City Council - May 27 2019
Duncan BC City Council - July 15, 2019
Edmonton AB City Council - Aug. 27, 2019
City of Edmundston NB - Feb. 19, 2019
Esquimalt BC Town Council - Mar. 18, 2019 Greater Sudbury City Council - May 28, 2019 Halifax NS Regional Council - Jan. 29, 2019
Halton Hills ON Town Council - May 6, 2019
Hamilton ON City Council - Mar. 27, 2019
District of Highlands BC Council - Mar. 18, 2019 Islands Trust BC Council - Mar. 12, 2019
Township of King ON Council - July 8, 2019
Kitchener ON City Council - June 24, 2019
City of Kingston ON - Mar. 5, 2019
Langley BC Town Council - July 22, 2019
London ON City Council - April 23, 2019
Mahone Bay Town Council - Feb. 12, 2019
Milton Town NS Council - July 22, 2019 | Mississauga ON City Council - June 19, 2019 Moncton NB City Council - Mar. 18, 2019
Nanaimo BC City Council - April 29, 2019
New Westminster BC Council - Mar. 11, 2019
Powell River BC City Council - Feb. 21, 2019
Prince Edward ON County Council - May 28, 2019
Gathet Regional District Board - June 27, 2019
City of Richmond BC - Feb. 4, 2019
Saanich District BC Council - Mar. 25, 2019
St. Catharines ON City Council - April 29, 2019 Sarnia ON City Council - June 17, 2019
Sidney BC Town Council - Mar. 25, 2019
Smithers BC Town Council - July 9, 2019
Sooke BC District Council - April 8, 2019
Squamish BC Council - June 2, 2019
Vancouver BC City Council - Jan, 16, 2019
Vaughan ON City Council - June 4, 2019
Victoria ON City Council - March 14, 2019
View Royal BC Town Council - March 5, 2019
Vuntut Gwitchin YK First Nation - May 19, 2019 West Nipissing ON Council - April 23, 2019
District of West Vancouver Council - July 8, 2019 Whitby ON Town Council - June 24, 2019
Wolfville NS Town Council - May 21, 2019 |
A polled vote was called by Councillor Norm Arsenault.
Norm Arsenault | X | |
Allan Bisback | X | |
Gary Burroughs | X | |
Clare Cameron | | X |
Wendy Cheropita | | X |
Stuart McCormack | | X |
Erwin Wiens | | X |
John Wiens | X | |
Lord Mayor Betty Disero | X | |
TOTALS | 5 | 4 |
5. Moved by Councillor Al Bisback, seconded by Councillor Wendy Cheropita that staff be directed to review the presentation and recommendations from John Hindle and report back on the feasibility of installed controlled access to the Pickle Ball courts.
6. Moved by Councillor Stuart McCormack, seconded by Councillor Al Bisback that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole - Planning Meeting held February 3, 2020 be adopted.
7. Moved by Councillor Al Bisback, seconded by Councillor Norm Arsenault that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole - General Meeting held February 10, 2020 be adopted.
8. Moved by Councillor Gary Burroughs, seconded by Councillor Stuart McCormack that leave be given to introduce By-law No. 5207-20, and that the same be considered read a first and second time, any ruling to this Council to the contrary not-withstanding (Wall Drain).
9. Moved by Councillor Gary Burroughs, seconded by Councillor Wendy Cheropita that Section 1 and Section 2 of By-law 4308AB-20 be deferred for further discussion, and that Section 3 and Section 4 of the By-law No. 4308AB-20 be adopted.
10. Moved by Councillor Stuart McCormack, seconded by Councillor John Wiens that leave be given to introduce By-law Nos. 500XL-20*, 500XM-20, 5209-20, 5210-20, 5211-20, 5212-20, 5213-20 and that the same be considered read a first, second and third time and passed, any ruling of this Council to the contrary notwithstanding.
11. Moved by Councillor John Wiens, seconded by Councillor Erwin Wiens:
BE IT RESOLVED that the following members be appointed to the St. Davids Pool Fundraising Committee:
•Paul Harber
•Joe Typer
•Susan Snider
•Adriana Vizzari
•Glenn Young
•David K. Scott
•Taren Trindale
•Jill Barber
•Councillor Gary Burroughs
•Councillor John Wiens
12. Moved by Councillor Gary Burroughs, seconded by Council Wendy Cheropita
- The Region of Niagara currently has a lease with Parks Canada on the lands known as Upper Canada Lodge
- The Region intends to close Upper Canada Lodge in 2021, due to the building not meeting the new standards for retirement homes
- The Region maintains the building in excellent condition, and has in excess of 80 rooms
- The current lease requires that the building be removed at the end of the Lease
- That the Town meet with the Region, and Parks Canada, to explore potential opportunities for the Town, for use(s) of the facility, after the closure of Upper Canada Lodge, for the benefits of our residents. And, that staff report back to Council by the fall of 2020.
13. Moved by Councillor Gary Burroughs, seconded by Councillor John Wiens that Council receive the February 13, 20202 and February 20, 2020 Information Packages for information.
14. Moved by Councillor Gary Burroughs, seconded by Councillor Wendy Cheropita that leave be given to introduce By-law No. 5114-20 and that the same be considered read a first, second and third time and passed, any ruling of this Council to the contrary notwithstanding.
15. Moved by Councillor Al Bisback, seconded by Councillor John Wiens that is Council adjourn to the next regular meeting of March 30, 2020 and if a special meeting is required, it will be held at the call of the Lord Mayor.
1. Moved by Councillor John Wiens, seconded by Councillor Erwin Wiens that the agenda be adopted, as amended.
2. Moved by Councillor Stuart McCormack, seconded by Councillor Erwin Wiens that Council move this item to Closed Session on March 9, 2020 to discuss matters regarding the lease (Melville Dock).
3. Moved by Councillor Norm Arsenault, seconded by Councillor Al Bisback to request staff to report back on a new list of acceptable trees for both public and private properties.
4. Moved by Councillor Gary Burroughs, seconded by Councillor Wendy Cheropita that the request for a July 28th World Hepatitis Day in Niagara-on-the-Lake proclamation be granted.